Preisvergleich PKW-ÖPNV

Car vs public transport price comparison

Compare the cost of purchasing an annual public transport subscription for your commute to driving your own car to work every day.

Tip: The “AboCard Erwachsene” subscription travel card for adults covers limitless travel within the association area, including free travel for a family member travelling with you on weekends.

Please select the applicable subscription card price level for your commute. The price level is based on the number of fare zones travelled, including the start and destination zones. If a journey begins at a station on the boundary of a zone, this station is regarded as in the zone where the journey will be continued. Similarly, if your journey ends at a station on the zone boundary, the stop will count as part of the zone from which the journey originated. Check the fare zone map to see how many zones you travel through on your way to work and select the applicable price level.

View fare zone map